Can we buy something,please?
OliviaSince we decided to get married, we've visited the mall roughly twice a week scouring for decorating ideas/goods for our new home.
And every time....
We came back empty-handed.
It was the most mind-boggling thing for both of us because we both...

첩청장 Wedding Invitation
Olivia, 일상다반사청첩장 선택은 간단하지 않다. Olivia와 내가 예상했던 청첩장은 개성있고 캐쥬얼한 스타일이었는데, 주변 의견이나 어른들과의 입장 차이가 조금 있었다. 두 가지 청첩장을 만들까 하는 고민도 했지만, 시간 문제로 남들과 똑같이 한 가지로 하기로 했다. NAVER에서 검색하면 가장 상위에 나오는 바른X 부터...

Calgary, CANADA 2014
TravelViews from in and around Calgary, October-November 2014
Chinook Centre, one of the main shopping locations in Calgary.
Olivia has been coming to this mall for as long as she can remember!
On our way home, Glenmore Tr.
Garrison Woods, a quaint neighborhood...

Calgary Tower, 2014 Oct
Travel20141029, Calgary Tower (http://www.calgarytower.com)
캘거리 타워는 캐나다 건국 100주년과 관련하여 1968년에 건립되었다.
Calgary 2014, Danny's first visit to my hometown!
There's something special about sharing your memories with the one you love.
Introducing the place you grew up in is a different kind...

How Living Abroad Changed My Life
It's been 3 years, 4 months, 13 days since...
I got on a plane and moved to a country on the other side of the world.
All I had was a suitcase full of necessities.
It changed my life forever.
My decision helped me...

Halloween 2014
Olivia, TravelFriday October 31st, 2014
Chilly and cold but NO SNOW?! The perfect night to go Trick-or-Treating!
Moms and Dads with their little ones.
Running from house to house...
Trick or Treat!!! I want some CANDY~~~
Halloween spirit everywhere with elaborate decorations! Spooky,...

If you're anything like me, you're an introvert. You like time spent alone. Social interaction is extremely exhausting. Energized by aloneness. Hate small talk. Creativity and powerful thinking flows in abundance when in solitude. Sensitive to sound, especially the sound...

Seoul International Fireworks Festival
Olivia, TravelSeoul International Fireworks Festival
Seoul, Korea
Fireworks show: 19:30-21:00
Fireworks show by United Kingdom, China, Italy, Korea
Fireworks are explosive pyrotechnic devices that Wow, Ooo, and aHHH you.
They explode with colour and pizazz and the razzle-dazzle of it all just makes your heart skip...

Working with your Significant Other
Everyone’s work relationship differs and in my case we work side by side. In fact, my significant other is my senior and work closely on the same projects and report back to each other. We also eat lunch together, leave...

Against the Grain
OliviaImage Credit: www.crcvirtual.orgbtlbrandsblog.com/why/
BTL Brands - A small agency network with big ideas on how to activate brands in a new and better way. Here's their insightful social manifesto.
Marketing? Branding? What's the difference you say?
Marketing is your message, branding is what...

Short ‘n Simple
Image Credit: www.fromupnorth.com
30-something, living abroad, and marching to my own beat.
A few years ago, I made some decisions in my life that some would say are brave and some would call me downright crazy.
1. I quit my stable...